New Release: Medieval Mars: The Anthology

Medieval Mars AnthologyI am excited to announce the release of Medieval Mars: The Anthology!  This anthology is a collection of stories that take place in Travis Perry’s world of Medieval Mars.

It’s been about a thousand years since Mars was terraformed and settled by people from earth, but then the civilization collapsed and people returned to a way of life reminiscent of medieval times.  Knights called Riders patrol the roads and contend with dragons, bioengineered by the early settlers who added wings to Komodos.  Apparently they couldn’t figure out how to make the dragons breathe fire, so they made them spit acid.  Yipes!

Read about the war between the mons, a wild west style snake-oil salesman, a young man who would brave anything to save his bride from a mysterious illness, a woman who finds herself too old to continue her passion as a racing bird jockey, and more!  My novel Sam and the Dragon is included, along with stories from eight other authors.

Available in kindle and print versions.  Check it out!

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